Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring is in the air!

It's official!  Spring is in the air!  Not just because two weeks ago we SPRANG ahead on the clocks...or because last weekend marked the official start of Spring.  Although that helps.

But even more than that...there's this:

And the promise of these:

And we've been doing a whole lot of this:

And even some of this:

Oh, I can't wait!  Bring on longer days and balmy evenings.  Jaunts outdoors that don't require an hour of prep work to get the boys bundled up.  I look forward to BBQs and morning coffee out on the veranda (that's what we exaggeratedly call the concrete slab that is our patio), sitting in the garage watching thunderstorms, and catching bugs of all shapes and sizes.  I even look forward to the inevitable mud and wet dog smell.  C'mon Spring!  I'm ready!

1 comment:

Shana Putnam said...

Me too! I am so excited. Love the pics! I am seeing flowers and blooming trees and the horses are