Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook...March 23, 2010

FOR TODAY...March 23, 2010

Outside my window...Rain. Cold. Rain. It really sets the stage for a blah day, you know?

I am thinking...about the many things I want/need to accomplish in the next couple of weeks. We're in the process of preparing our house to put it on the market and I have a LOT of work to do to make it ready. Problem is there just isn't enough time in the day.

I am thankful for...the expected (safe!) return of our Adventure Buddies, Tiff and Brie!

From the kitchen...Avery is whining because she wants to come out and join the chaos but there are just too many toys (a.k.a. "chew toys" to her) scattered around at the moment. She will have to wait until the boys and I can do a "clean up, clean up" bit.

I am wearing...a sweater and pants. Spring was here for a bit but this cold rain that's coming through makes me want to snuggle up again.

I am remembering...almost a year ago, we were up North saying goodbye to a fantastic woman, my Abuelita. It was a great weekend full of family and memories. I miss you, Abuelita!

I am creating...a plan of attack for the organization that has to go on in my home to get the house ready to show. Where to start, what to pack away, what to store...how to make the house marketable so we can get it sold this time!

I am going...to Target with the boys after work. We need baby wipes and I'd like to get some new socks. I'm sick of having my toes poking through the ones I have. It's time.

I am hoping...this sinus headache that's laying low just behind my eyes doesn't start acting up. I'm trying to keep it at bay but this weather isn't helping!

I am hearing...Lady Antebellum on my iPod. Love them!

Pondering these words...Another classic from my work intranet's quote of the day: "I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some from behind" - Dr. Seuss
He is a brilliant man! 

Around the house...Stuff. Lots of stuff. Nathaniel got some great presents for his birthday this past weekend so now we have to figure out how to exchange his new stuff for toys he doesn't play with any more. The problem with that is, if he doesn't play with them it usually means Alex does! Either way we need to downsize and pack (at least!) half of them away to make room. Whenever we get into a new house all those hidden toys will seem brand new! Surprise!

On my mind...I'm frustrated - I spent over an hour perusing my photos last night for one that was perfect to enter for the I ♥ Faces Challenge and came up empty handed. I have thousands of photos and none of them were good enough to hold a candle. It's very frustrating. I'm feeling a little defeated, I guess.

Noticing that...I'm easily defeated. I'm obviously in a mood. 

One of my favorite things...my new Keurig. I love it! It's nice to make a fresh cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate in seconds whenever the mood strikes. I want to stock up on a variety of new flavors and have some fun. Can you say "Caffeine High"?!?!  

A few plans for the rest of the week: I have a few lunch plans with friends, a lot of work to do, and I'm looking forward to seeing Tiff and Brie upon their return from NYC this weekend!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
This is Alex's favorite game to play with my brother (a.k.a. Uncle Noah). Whenever Uncle Noah picks him up his face lights up and he immediately leans back. Luckily Noah knows to expect this so he catches him and they play their little counting game. "One, two, THREEEEE!." It's fantastic to watch. This photo was the closest thing I could find that would even possibly fit the "angles" theme over at I ♥ Faces for this week. So instead of posting it there, I'll just put it here for my friends to see! 

To read more daybook entries, check out The Simple Woman's Daybook!

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