Friday, November 12, 2010

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming...

...for a reality check.  These goals and challenges I set up for myself and take on (101 in 1001, NaBloPoMo, Thanksgiving Thankfuls, 10 on 10, etc.) are great and fun and an effective way to keep me on task and direct my focus, but truth be told, life sometimes gets in the way.  As it should.  There are times when I am less than inspired on the 10th of the month, my profound thoughts don't articulate themselves in a coherent (or interesting) way and yes, I have even struggled with something to be thankful for each and every day.  I'm busy living life and don't always have time to write about it. So why, then, do I feel guilty when I "fail" or lack follow up or somehow do something contradictory to what I've "promised"?  I've learned that I'm not alone in this.  Is it the responsibility of the writer in me?  At work I'm constantly under deadline so perhaps I feel this same pressure in my own "work"?  Who knows...but I don't want this blog to feel like work or to be just one more thing I feel obligated to do, complete, accomplish.  That's not why I'm here.  So, here's to lightening up on the requirements, celebrating each and every post as a success, and just remembering that I blog because I love it, not because I have to, or because people are expecting me to.  If there's one area of life I can ease up on myself for, I will start here.  This is my domain and does anyone really care (or notice!) if I didn't blog every day in November or if I missed a Wordless Wednesday or haven't actually followed through on my 101 in 1001 list I talked about in January?!?  To all my friends (and fellow bloggers) out there, let's focus on why we do this! I support you no matter how often you write, how "substantial" your topics are, or what you say one day that might be contradicted by something you say on a different day, with a different perspective and mindset.  I hope you will grant me the courtesy of the same.  As always, thank you for just being here!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I indeed am struggling just the same. Then I am so upset about my "failure" that it ruins other aspects of my life. I am trying to let go and not see it as a failure, but as a natural course in my life. A waxing and waning that happens in the natural flow of things.