Today's Thanksgiving Thankful is in honor of my Bug and his amazing imagination. Anyone who knows him, knows first hand the wonder and amazement that is involved with living in his world. He can tell a story of great detail and then remember the characters to refer back to later. He's fascinating to have a conversation with! It's awesome!
Our photo story of Bug starts on a recent chilly Fall day. On this particular day, Nathaniel had just arrived home from a field trip with his class to the Pumpkin Patch. He was full of stories about the apples they had picked and paid particular attention to giving me a play by play of how they took those apples and made them into apple cider. He was determined to recreate his new found learnings at home.
So, he took out my juicer and went to work, demonstrating to me how they took the apples and squished them into apple cider.
Of course, this method wasn't going well so he decided to cut the apple into smaller pieces and try again...
His determination was fascinating to watch. He was set on practicing this new skill. His next attempt involved digging through my utensil drawer to find anything and everything he thought might help him mash, squash, pulp, pound, cream, beat or otherwise smash his apple into cider.
Then, in a dramatic huff, he yelled "This isn't WORKING!" and stomped off to give his attention to the next task he felt like conquering. Funny how the mess didn't stomp off though, hmmm.
Anyway, for my oldest boy's fascinating determination, wild imagination, and innocent view on the world, I am forever grateful! I love you, Bug!
But it's messes like this that will be a fond memory for him a long time from now! ;)
YEAAAAAH! I think my comment worked!
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