Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook...March 1, 2011

FOR TODAY...March 1, 2011

Outside my window...the sun is setting on what turned out to be a great day!

I am thinking...about the fun day we had today.  I put Nate on the bus this morning and then Alex and I walked around the corner to drop in on my brother and play with my nephew.  I had been feeling disconnected lately so I was happy to spend some one on one time with them and air my concerns.  When Nate got home from school we loaded up and met Heidi and clan at Chuck E. Cheese's for some fun.  

I am thankful for...the time I have been able to spend at home with my boys these past couple of weeks.  I feel so much more in control when I have an inside hand in what's going on here at home instead of just flying through once in a while like I do working 40 hours/week.  

From the kitchen...the kitchen is closed tonight.  I had big intentions of making something for dinner but by the time we got home it was the farthest thing from my mind.  The boys were less than cooperative so I gave up.

I am wearing...the outfit I wore to meet Heidi earlier...plus my bathrobe.  I have a chill I can't get rid of so I layered up.  

I am remembering...that Dave will be changing shifts again when I go back to work.  We will see each other very infrequently so I am glad it is short lived and remembering that it will all be worth it once he's certified and doing something new that he loves.

I am going...to enjoy the last couple of days home with my boys.  We have few plans that will take us away so we'll stick close to home.

I am hoping...to survive the month of March with few casualties.  

I am hearing...nothing.  I am breathing a sigh of relief while Dave has taken the kids to town to get Chinese food for dinner.   Between getting up at 5AM and no nap for Alex, I am at wit's end.  Alex gets so wired and rotten when he's tired and today he's tired beyond even that!

Pondering these words..."Chances are good that you won't have to see me again" - Dr. Andolina, Blood Disorder Specialist at Strong Pediatric Hematology 

We got the call tonight that Alex's blood work came back looking good.  He is a little low on the iron but not detrimentally so.  The doctor said his hemoglobin numbers were a bit low but that could be explained by his attempt to overcome anemia or a viral infection he may have had recently wherein he'd still be building his numbers back up.  He recommended we continue supplementing his iron for another month or so and then have him checked again at his 3-year check up in September.  But all in all, everything checked out.  *sigh of relief  

Around the house...general run-of-the-mill chaos.  Pillows, toys, basic fire fighting equipment is strewn about, as usual.  Tomorrow I will tackle that, the dishes, the laundry, and snuggle with my boys some more.  

On my mind...I'm trying not to dwell on it, but I feel the pressure as these three weeks home with my babies comes to a close.  I really wanted to figure out some magical equation that would allow me to make this staying home thing work for all of us, for real.  But alas, here we are and I'm no closer than I was three weeks ago to being able to make a living from home.

Noticing that...my head spins when I get the option of having 5 minutes to myself.  Should I blog?  Take a shower?  Nap?  Clean?  Fold Laundry?!?!  So many options...so little time.  Usually by the time I figure something out my time is up.

One of my favorite things...my laptop.  It allows me to be "connected" while still being connected where I need to be.  I'm able to get a lot of stuff done without being away from where the action is.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  haircut, swimming lessons, hanging with the family.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Chloe and Nate were playing a game at Chuck E. Cheese today that simulated electric voltage and they had to hold on for a certain amount of time to earn tickets.  I love the look on their faces...classic!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

LOL! Chloe looks like she has had a poop gone wrong! So wishing right along with you that making money for staying home was an easy task! Something will work itself out just when you least expect it.