Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's The Little Things...BFF

I have been blessed with many wonderful friends in my life but none that I have known as long as my BFF, Pam.  We met in the 6th grade when were assigned to the same homeroom and we've been (mostly) inseparable every since.  Ok, so there was that year in 11th grade when she hated me, but that's a whole other story!  Seriously, though...Pam is one of those friends you can easily pick right back up with regardless if it's been a week or a year since you last saw her.  She's a genuine, big-hearted person with a fantastic positive spirit and radiating charm.  

This week, to celebrate a bit of a variation on the It's the Little Things Thursday over at Starts At Eight, I want to share a story of a "little thing" in friendship that meant the world to me!  A week or so ago I was having a conversation with Pam at work and the (not-so-uncommon) fact that I am a bit of a pat rack came up.  If I recall correctly, I believe the awful word "hoarder" was used, but we won't reminisce that tiny detail.  

Anyway, that night I got home and was cleaning off my dresser and packing up some stuff to get our house ready for our first showing when I found this:

This, of course, is part of a Best Friends necklace that Pam and I once shared in junior high.  I sent this photo to Pam late that night with a text that said "okay, so maybe I am a hoarder".  She was right.  Some 20 years later I still have this trinket of our friendship from our adolescence.  I guess I DO have issues!

Much to my surprise (and delight!) I received a return text a short time later with this photo, 
saying "Then I am too!!"

Seriously, that small thing, the fact that she, too, had held on to this symbol of our youth and everlasting friendship was HUGE to me.  It's one thing for me to have senseless sentimentalities cluttering around, but Pam is much more practical than I am.  I couldn't believe she had kept it!  It gave me a warm fuzzy and filled me with love!  IWN, Pam!

Please join in focusing on and sharing the "Little Things" that mean a lot and make this journey through motherhood (and LIFE!) worth it in the end!  Stop over at Starts at Eight to link up!


Shana Putnam said...

My best friend and I have been best friends since we were 2 years old. We are now 32. We both still have the same necklaces and a set of friendship bracelets and uncountable letters to each other. Very cool.

Mama said...

I just cried <3

Heidi said...

This is so endearing! Special friendships like that don't come along very often. You are a lucky pair!

Pam said...

Aw, honey! This touched me so deeply! Ya know what a "Little Thing" is for me today (and by "Little Thing" I mean BIG thing!)? The fact that you actually wrote a blog about our friendship!! It means so much to me that after 20+ years, we're still tight enough that I get a spot here!! Thank you! And, please know...the hoarding part of you is one of the things that makes you so lovable and endearing!! I've learned from you to hold on to important teach me all the time that these moments are critical and that it's not the end product but the process that matters. I might be "more practical" but your sentimentality makes you the sweeter one! IWN2!!!!

Pam said... cell phone takes way worse pics than yours! :)