Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happiness is...

Splish, splashing in the summer (or year round)!  There's something so innocent and joyful about watching my children splash in the water.  And they LOVE water!  Whether it's in the bath tub, Lake Ontario, the water table, our blow up pool, or random puddles of any shape or size - it doesn't matter.  I just love it!  And the squeals of laughter, intense emotion, and pure HAPPINESS it creates in my children makes my heart sing!

1 comment:

Tifkota said...

Oh my God, Shana! These shots are awesome. Why are my favorite ones with Naked Nate? What is wrong with me? I just love the puddle one because he looks like Nature Boy, all in his element and free of his binding clothes. :) And the bucket one had me laughing out loud! If I was drinking something it would have come out my nose. (The light and color in those shots rock, too!) By the way, I do also love the one where Alex is grasping the water in his hand and looks like he is shrieking in victory. No wonder you take thousands of pictures a week (day), your Subjects deserve it! <3 Mwah!